Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 262 Pressing

Ethan pondered the idea of utilizing Ethereal Summoning to capture and multiply some of the ice trolls. However, before he could make a decision, his attention was abruptly redirected as the enraged beasts shifted their focus toward him, charging with relentless determination.

The charging trolls created an overwhelming presence with their massive frames and formidable strength. Their thunderous footsteps shook the ground, causing the very earth to tremble beneath Ethan\'s feet. The air around him grew heavy with their growls and the sound of their pounding fists against their chests.

Ethan\'s focus sharpened as the trolls closed in on him, his instincts taking over. He swiftly assessed the situation, searching for the best course of action. With his lightning-infused abilities still crackling around him, he knew he had to act quickly and decisively.

Ethan didn\'t think that he would need his sword to deal with those guys, but when he was about to punch them, he hesitated.

"Shit… not again," Ethan thought. "It looks like I still need some mental training, but this is too tiresome to deal with now."

As the enemies unleashed their furious assault, their punches and strikes lashed toward Ethan, seeking to find their mark. With a calculated grace, he evaded their attacks with swift and nimble movements, effortlessly sidestepping their blows.

Ethan\'s keen reflexes and heightened senses allowed him to anticipate their every move. He bobbed and weaved, slipping through the onslaught like a shadow, always remaining just out of their reach. His body moved with an uncanny fluidity, each motion a seamless dance of evasion and precision.

Though the temptation to strike back and retaliate was strong, Ethan restrained himself. He knew all too well the consequences of succumbing to his curse. The mere touch of his hand had the potential to absorb the memories and powers of his enemies, a power he dared not unleash upon them. Since it would also cause him more problems than he already has... such a really powerful double edged sword.

"You moron, you don\'t have time for hesitation… they can\'t even speak, you won\'t hear their voices," Ethan muttered to himself while the ground was trembling with the impacts of the enemy\'s attacks on the ground.

In the end, Ethan attacked, but not the way he had planned… With a calculated leap backward, Ethan positioned himself at a safe distance from the oncoming enemies. His eyes narrowed with focus as he extended both hands toward his adversaries, channeling his mana into a concentrated force.

A surge of energy crackled within his palms, forming a pulsating ball of raw power. The air around him seemed to shimmer with anticipation as the Mana Cannon charged to its full potential.

Without hesitation, Ethan unleashed a torrent of energy toward the approaching monsters. The concentrated blast tore through the air with a resounding boom, streaking toward its targets with unstoppable force.

As the Mana Cannon connected with the enemies, the unleashed energy surged through their bodies, engulfing them in a brilliant display of light. The destructive power of the spell dissolved their forms, disintegrating them into nothingness.

The monsters writhed and convulsed in the face of the overwhelming energy, their bodies crumbling and dispersing into ethereal wisps. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of dissipating remnants.

"I can\'t hesitate now…" Ethan thought upon realizing that there was a small chance that his power might become even more troublesome. "Screw it!" 

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Ethan couldn\'t help but feel a pang of frustration welling up within him. He bit his lip in annoyance, his brows furrowing with self-disgust. He despised the moments when he allowed fear to creep into his heart, clouding his judgment and holding him back from fully embracing his true potential.

He knew deep down that he was capable of facing any challenge head-on, of mustering the strength and courage needed to confront the darkest of adversaries. But in those fleeting moments of doubt, he couldn\'t help but chastise himself for any perceived weakness.

Ethan clenched his fists, determination returning to his eyes. He refused to allow fear to dictate his actions any longer. He was responsible for protecting those he cared about and standing against the encroaching forces of darkness.

Drawing a deep breath, he steeled himself, pushing aside any lingering doubts and insecurities. He resolved to face the battles ahead with unwavering resolve, harnessing his inner strength to rise above his own fears.

With a clenched jaw and fire in his eyes, Ethan unleashed a mighty punch toward one of the towering trolls. His fist connected with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The force behind his strike was immense, surpassing even his own expectations.

As the troll\'s body was propelled backward, it crashed into several other trolls, creating a domino effect of destruction. The sheer power of Ethan\'s blow sent the trolls tumbling, their massive forms colliding with each other in a chaotic display of mayhem.

The ground shook beneath their weight as the trolls toppled over, their once formidable presence reduced to a scattered pile of defeated adversaries. Ethan\'s single punch had unleashed a chain reaction, shattering the enemy\'s ranks and providing a momentary respite in the battle.

As Ethan prepared to enter the parking lot, he noticed the flashing lights and sirens of approaching police vehicles. Curiosity piqued, he paused to observe their arrival, wondering what had prompted their presence amidst the chaos.

Ethan\'s mind raced, considering his options. He knew that revealing his abilities and involvement in the ongoing battle could complicate matters further. The police officers were likely unaware of the supernatural threat lurking within the parking lot, and he didn\'t want innocent lives at risk.

"I don\'t have time for this… I should just hurry up and finish things here," Ethan thought and then kept pressing forward.

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