Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 386 - The Ultimate Price

Chapter 386 – The Ultimate Price

This piece of news made Huishe Xieyue\'s heart sink to the pit of her stomach. She knew that she would have hated to face that vile man and be forced under him over and over again but she could bear it as long as she had her cub.

Even then according to the plausible future that would have happened if she remained on earth she wouldn\'t have been able to hold Rui Fei and the child will also not have survived long because that evil man had had more children with her which meant he had more offspring to extract seraphic energy from.

No matter how she looked at it this was the best outcome for both her and Rui Fei. This realisation split her heart in two as she collapsed on the ground. She wanted to cry but the tears wouldn\'t flow no matter how distraught she was. Raising her trembling hands she covered her face wallowing in despair.

But before she could fall further down in the pit of darkness a warm hand suddenly rested on her shoulder followed by a soft voice saying, "There is no need for that. You have an opportunity to change everything and stand alongside your son…. only that it will cost you."

Huishe Xieyue harshly jerked her head up only to be met by those crimson eyes staring down at her. "What… what will it cost me?"

The Lord of the Celestial realm snorted lightly before taking a step away. With his back facing her he said, "Your immortality."

There wasn\'t even a need for Huishe Xieyue to think twice. She most definitely would like to descend right now without a second thought.

But before she could voice her thanks she heard the man say, "That\'s not the only thing….. The balance between the two worlds has once again been disturbed. As you know the Qilin has migrated to the earth causing the scale to tip severely."

"That\'s because Qilin San\'s plan to enslave the human race is highly unacceptable. To top it off Huishe Nan plans on gathering strong Nocru to come to earth which means the earth will be a bloody battlefield,"

"The casualties will be the poor civilians who had nothing to do with this conflict in the first place. This is when the Celestial step in….. were you step in."

As he said this he crouched down before the kneeling Huishe Xieyue and lightly raised her chin as he continued, "So let me ask again. Huishe Xieyue will you take up the task and restore the balance between these two worlds?" Finally, a tear fell from those beautiful eyes as she nodded her head.


In the dead of night, an eerie silence overshadowed Ji Wen\'s island further elaborating the gloomy atmosphere surrounding this once boisterous place. That\'s because for the past few weeks things had been so tense with suffocating seraphic energy hovering above the island like a gloomy dark cloud during a storm.

To fully understand what had been going on one would have to backtrack to the day the concord returned to Ji Wen\'s island. Because Ji Yao was still unconscious Qilin Hao had been guarding him at his bedside throughout the entire journey. It remained as so once they got on the island. But the moment Ji Yao woke up a violent storm erupted and the pair of mother and son were at odds.

Qilin Hao was pissed at her son who pushed her away from the very moment he opened his eyes. The sleep deprived Qilin Hao was extremely hurt but instead of communicating properly with him she got angry and walked away.

For the next few weeks, she didn\'t come to see him as she honestly believed he would come and apologize. Unfortunately for her, Ji Yao didn\'t see it that way. He lifelessly lay on the bed each day that is after he had exhausted himself crying.

It took so much coaxing by Ji Wen for him to take his medicine but his son never spoke a single word. With each day he was starting to look more like a lifeless corpse with no spark in his pupils.

Ji Wen was genuinely worried and each time he came from Ji Yao\'s room his face would look much worse than the previous day. Qilin Hao didn\'t have to ask. She already knew the answer. After being stubborn for so long she finally got tired of it and decided to pay Ji Yao a visit.

When she entered the room if was ill lit and scattered around the kang table were canvas papers each with a unique painting of Rui Fei. Her son who was usually laying flat on the bed like a salted fish was sitting with his back towards her as he frantically painted like he had lost his mind.

Qilin Hao\'s steps paused with her breath caught in her throat as she watched him almost going berserk. This picture was extremely familiar. She had also gone through the very same thing when she was forced to part with Ji Wen.

It went from lying lifeless on a bed to painting like a mad person and thereafter her temper would flare up. But the most painful thing out of this was a broken heart. She could understand his pain but her hatred for the Huishe clan had severely clouded her judgement.

Isn\'t it that parents were supposed to protect their children and make sure they thrive in society not wither. Granted she had a terrible example for a parent but before her mother died she had protected her with everything she had despite how short it was.

The same way her mother protected her was the same way she should be protecting her cub but she had failed. She had driven him to madness and he might end up like her.

There was a deep scar on her heart that only her husband and cub could patch up. She didn\'t want Ji Yao to have the same scar but looking at the way things are it might be too late.

Her fragile heart began to ache as her knees softened. With a dull thud, her knees hit the floor causing the hand that was stroking the brush on the canvas to pause.

Ji Yao who had been drawn into a deep state of mind that wasn\'t easy to extricate oneself from was brought back with his eyes regaining focus.

Staring at the painting of Rui Fei at the tallest peak in a place he had never seen before his eyes stung. In the painting, Rui Fei was standing tall with his overpowering eyes gazing into the distance clad in a black robe with a double bladed sword. Behind him was a hazy structure with beacons.

This image was unusual because the scene behind Rui Fei wasn\'t familiar to him nor did Rui Fei possess such a sword.. With a stunned look on his face, he retracted his hand with his chest heaving deeply.

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