My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 216 - Meeting Your Father-in-law

Everyone\'s eyes widened and when they all looked closer there was indeed a circled area on the map, Kevin then asked Liam : "Do you recognize the location ?"

Liam shook his head and told them honestly : "I\'m not a border specialist, usually when Dilan needs my help he tells me where to go and I follow his instructions."

Looking at it more closely he said : "The border isn\'t even drawn on this map ... Damn, it\'s really from before the first time the humans territory has been invaded."

Ian nodded and said : "The Drakonits lived in this world for a very short time but the border was already there and I don\'t recognize this location neither."

Kevin then turned to Alan and asked him : "Do you know if your father keeps any old maps of the border or around it, after all it\'s your family that always protected it."

Alan nodded and told them : "We have all kinds of records at home, I know there are maps and there are even the plans of the construction of the border, Nolan and I came across them when we were looking through the archives for more information about the Absolute Warrior."

Erik chuckled and asked him : "How old were you when you did this ? I can\'t even imagine the punishment your father gave you if he found out."

Alan smiled and said : "Of course he found us out but instead of punishing us he explained the importance of these records and what they were for.

That\'s why I\'m sure my dad has maps from at least before and after the border was built, but I don\'t know if he has any from before the first war against the demons."

Kevin finally put the map away and then picked up one of the sheets of paper that looked like notes but he couldn\'t be sure because he couldn\'t read them.

He showed one of them to Liam who showed it to Ian but they both shook their heads. Kevin motioned for them to give it to Alan who said : "It looks like the writing in my father\'s old archives but they\'ve all been translated over time, so I don\'t know if he\'ll be able to read them."

Kevin smiled and said : "It looks like we\'ll all have to go meet your family, the sooner the better."

Alan said to him then : "Until my father lifts the banishment, I don\'t have access to our property, it\'s surrounded by a force field like the one Axel put around your pavilion and I\'m not even sure if Liam has access to it."

Liam laughed and said : "Indeed, your father never lets anyone enter your property, we always have meetings at Evy\'s hideouts. In fact, I have no idea where you live, and I\'m sure even the Queen doesn\'t know."

Kevin smirked, Alan\'s father was a cautious person, Liam was right when he said he was a brilliant person, the council had had to put pressure on him to have access to his archives but as for Alan he hadn\'t let go.

His father had to be loyal only to the bearer of the Pentagram Mark and that was fine with him, he told them : "It\'s not a problem, if we can\'t go to him directly then we\'ll make him come to us."

He looked at Liam and asked him : "I assume he has a communication stone with him, if he needs to keep to update the Queen that\'s the fastest way."

Liam just nodded and Kevin then said : "Warn him that tonight he has to come and meet the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark, give him a meeting somewhere and bring him to our pavilion ... And Alan ... It\'s up to you, if you don\'t want to be there I\'ll understand, but we need your father, that ore can be our bargaining chip for our freedom, if we can get it back we\'ll have a definite advantage."

Alan put his arm around Erik\'s shoulders, he had thought about it a lot after what he had discovered about his father and the reasons why he had banished him, and he wanted ... and needed to hear from him that it was true, and that he had never considered him unworthy of their family.

He look at Kevin in the eye and told him : "We\'ll be there !"

Then he turned his head to Erik and said with a smirk : "Sweetheart, I think it\'s time for you to meet your father-in-law."

Erik laughed awkwardly and said : "That\'s weird, why does that freak me out even more than facing an army of summoned creatures."

Everyone laughed and Kevin after retrieving the sheet of paper put the golden box back in his inventory and he said to everyone : "Ok let\'s continue now, let\'s collect all the armor and magic bags and let\'s go, we still have 835 summoned creatures to kill."

Everyone got involved and Kevin realized that the dead wizards had left behind not armor and magic bags like the dead knights, but purple crystals and when he checked one, he realized that it was exactly the same as the crystals left behind by the Elemantaries except that it was filled with particles of darkness.

He then said to Ian : "Maybe you should check the walls and ground every time to see if you can find any ores, we never know."

Ian nodded and while the others finished picking up everything he put his hands on the ground and checked with his earth element if there were any ores in the ground and in the walls of this room.

When he got up he shook his head at Kevin and said when he saw that everyone had gathered : "We have to be careful, even I can\'t sense the summoned creatures, we can only go by following the aura of the summoners."

Kevin nodded his head this dungeon looked like the one they had already looted with Axel, there were purple torches that lit up the room and there was only one path that would surely lead them to the next room and the next battle.

It felt really weird to have dead knights by their side to protect them but he reminded himself that the danger was real and that it was the best choice for everyone.

This dungeon, because of the number of summoned creatures and which could increase at any time, was really the most dangerous they had looted so far.

As they made their way to the new room he checked his messages to see how much experience he had gained.


Killing summoned creatures you earned 136 000 gold coins and 81 375 experience points.

You have leveled up 4 times, all your stats have been increased by 4 points.

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